Topics: Begin typing to show predefined biblical topics and themes.Matching existing series show below as you type. Series: Provide a series title to add the sermon to a series.This helps you stay consistent and avoid duplicate tags. Many of the input fields are preloaded with consistent naming conventions, like the topics and reference fields. If you publish your sermon to Logos Sermons, the sermon info you provide is indexed and searchable.
Note: If you don’t see the Sermon Info panel, click the info icon to the right of the Publish button to toggle it on. If you publish your sermons using Logos Sermons, this metadata will help others discover your sermon and know what it’s about. The more metadata you add, the easier it will be for you to find at a later date. The Sermon Info pane holds important details about your sermon. You can also access Sermon Builder via the Tools menu. Note: To open a previously created sermon from the Documents menu, filter or search the Documents menu to locate your desired sermon. Open the Sermon Manager tool from the Tools menu and click Add in the top right corner. To create a blank sermon click Documents > New > Sermon. You can start a sermon document in two primary ways. Sermon Manager organizes all your sermon documents while Sermon Builder creates specific sermons. Note: Sermon Builder works closely with Sermon Manager, though they are not the same. Note: Available in packages Silver and above.